Wednesday, November 01, 2017

세계가 한 고등학교라면, 각 나라는 어떤 태도를 가질까?

Arman Siani, Engineer, Entrepreneur, Traveler

·         China: Used to be a poor but intelligent, hardworking and an extremely fierce guy. Now he is the up and coming, rich guy who is still hard-working, intelligent and extremely fierce. Doesn’t pick fights, and tends to avoid them, but will make you seriously regret your actions if you start a fight with him. Very good at science and math.
·         The United States: Extremely rich and powerful guy, who is now being challenged by China. Some people accuse him of being a bully, but some nations like him a lot. Always getting into trouble and poking his head in stuff that doesn’t concern him.
·         Russia: The quiet but intelligent kid, with a dark past. He is extremely strong, and people who have underestimated his strength in the past and tried to pick fights with him ended up with being permanently maimed or injured beyond recognition. He is very fierce of his small group of friends and is extremely protective of his zone of the classroom.
·         France: People suspect that he is gay because he looks sophisticated and posh. He occasionally helps out other students with their art and philosophy homework.
·         India: Dirty and unkempt. But brilliant, when push comes to shove. Like China is very good at math and science, but because of his indiscipline and lack of hard work, is unlikely to be as great and influential a student as China is.
·         Pakistan: Dirty and unkempt. And isn’t really good with academics either. His only claim to fame was that he scored moderately well in the Nuclear Science 101 elective (which pretty much all the other students failed except for 9 students), and that too after China helped him with the homework assignment of that class. Picks fight with India even though he knows he would lose.
·         Sweden: She is that superficial blonde girl who thinks too highly of herself. She has a pathological hatred of men, calls herself a feminist and thinks that she is a “strong, independent woman”, but in reality isn’t really good at much and is just a whiny schoolmarm. No one bothers her because she looks decent and doesn’t really do much.
·         Norway: Sweden’s less deranged cousin who found some oil, and is now rich. She is going through a hard metal phase now.
·         Canada: Cold and frigid, she is America’s smaller cousin. People generally like her, and even admire her, because she is still pristine and polite, not brash and spoiled like America.
·         Germany: He is extremely punctual and sophisticated. He used to be a big bully though, bullying pretty much all of his neighboring classmates. But then he made the fatal mistake of trying to bully Russia and the US and was subsequently beaten to a pulp. From that point onwards, he has improved his behavior and tries his best to avoid fights and mediate between other students when there is conflict.
·         North Korea: A deranged psychopath that no one wants to touch with a 10ft pole. He gets sent to the psych ward a lot but keeps coming back and bothering everyone by shouting at the top of his lungs and shaking his fists. He too scored pretty decently on the Nuclear Science 101 class, with help from his acquaintance, Pakistan.
·         South Korea: North Korea’s healthy, intelligent cousin. She used to be pretty poor and destitute. But since then, has become rich, and now is generally well respected. She is often threatened by North Korea, but she knows that North Korea is all talk.
·         Japan: Intelligent and high tech, he used to be a big bully, trying to beat up his neighbors. But like Germany, he started to bully people way bigger than him and ended up badly beaten. Since then he has cleared up his act and now does pretty well in his classes. He has got weird sexual fetishes though, and some people suspect him of being a perv.
·         UK: Used to be a powerful, proud guy with significant clouds. Students like India and Pakistan were his b**ch. But now, he is America’s b**ch.
·         Israel: He usually picks fights with folks that are much weaker than him and calls himself “powerful” but in reality, is tiny and one or two nuclear punches away from being dead. But to his credit, he used to be poor and homeless, but since then, has worked hard to survive in a hostile neighborhood and has prospered amid significant hostility.
·         Nigeria: Frequently tries to scam people by saying that he is some sort of “prince” but he isn’t even good at that. He has got the resources to be moderately wealthy but chooses to be lazy and unkempt instead.
·         Ukraine: Used to be Russia’s friend at one point. But then America told her that she should go ahead and instigate Russia, which she naively did, believing that America would protect her, and make her his sugar baby. Instead, she ended up being Russia’s b**ch. She was good at Aeronautical Engineering at one point but is now just trying to get by and pass her classes.
·         Brazil: She is HOT. Like really hot. And she is incredibly good at playing football and computer games. She is your perfect girlfriend.
·         Bangladesh: Incredibly poor, but trying her level best to improve her condition. In her spare time, she stitches garments for richer students and sells them at a much lower price, even though she pricks herself with the sewing needle quite often because she cannot afford good sewing instruments.
·         Saudi Arabia: Incredibly rich girl. But she is very conservative, and wears clothes that cover her entire body. She is very influential and sells oil at very cheap rates to her friends. She is one of America’s closest acquaintances, which surprises a lot of people, given how different these two students are.

·         Switzerland: The incredibly beautiful, but introverted girl who talks to no one. She quietly sits at one corner of the classroom, finishes her homework on time, and leaves.

Sunday, September 03, 2017

맨 프롬 어스 ( Man From Earth )

무한한 지식의 바다...
인터넷 동영상 유튜브를 떠다니다 7분 26초 짜리 영화 감상평을 보고 난후 궁금해서 1시간 27분 7초 짜리 영화로 보게 되었다. 물론 고맙게도 유튜브에 있었다. 종교인들에게 충격을 주었다고 하였는데 그부분은 아직까지 종교인이 아니라서 견해는 보류한다. 영화는 각자의 전문성을 가진 사람들이 더 많은 정보와 논리에 무장해제 되면서 상대의 말에 부정하지 못하고 무너져 가는 모습과 영화의 끝 무렵, 꾸며낸 이야기라고 말 할때 자기들이 그토록 믿고자 했던 그들의 신념이나 철학들이 복귀됨에 안도하게 된다. 그렇지만 잠시라도 그들이 전부라고 믿었던 것들에 대한 멘탈적 붕괴로 자책성 비판을 하게 된다. 생각을 할 수 있는 좋은 영화임은 틀림없다.

아는 지인을 만나 소주를 하면서 아마도 그런 이야길 했던거 같다.
나이가 들면서 자기가 가지고 있는 신념이나 철학등이 그다지 필요 없을때가 있다고.
젊은날에 우리는 인생의 방향성을 정하기 위하여 해야될 것과 하지 말아야 할것을 정하면서 스스로의 틀을 만든다. 하지만 대부분 그 틀은 순수하게 자기의 생각으로 만들어진게 아니다. 사회라는 환경이 요구하는 도덕적, 제도적인 것들을 기준으로 만들어 진 것이다. 나 보다 앞서간 사람들이 말했다. 왜 그렇게 고집하고 살았는지....

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Agreement implementation risks

Moral hazard(도덕적 해이)는 위키피디아 의하면 "법 또는 제도적 허점을 이용하여 사회적인 책임을 회피하는 도덕적, 윤리적, 경제적 태도 및 행동상의 위험 또는 위협적인 요인이다" 라고 규정하고 있다. 최근엔 도덕적 해이에 대해 감시와 비판은 더욱 강력해 졌다고 볼 수 있다.

그러나 정상적인 협약이나 계약을 하고 이행을 했음에도 불구하고 법적인 문제는 없으나 도덕성에 상처를 내며 집단적인 비판을 받음으로서 기업이나 정부를 위험이나 곤경에 빠트리는 현상이 나타나게 되었다. 특히 기업과 개인간에 맺는 협약이나 계약은 처음부터 약자인 개인에게 불합리함을 내포하고 있다. 이러한 문제는 수면아래에서 잠자고 있다가 불만이 임계치에 도달하면 문제가 드러나면서 순식간에 핵심증거와 함께 사회적인 이슈화와 여론이 형성된다.

예를 들면, 열정페이나 근무조건이 열악한 상황에서 최저임금 또는 그 이하를 지불하는 경우, 사회적 갑질 또한 이것에 포함된다. 또는 기업이 가지고 있는 역량에 비해 지나치게 적은 급여를 제공한다던지 도덕적,사회적 의무를 충분하게 못하게 되면 협약에 의한 의무를 단순하게 다했다고 해서 비난을 면치 못한다는 것이다. 결국 문제의 기업은 도덕성에 치명타를 입고 그에 따른 댓가로 나쁜 기업이라는 이미지와 불매운동에 의한 매출감소로 이어지는 리스크를 갖게 된다. 기업이 갖는 이러한 리스크를

협정이행위험(Agreement Implementation Risks) 이라고 우리말로 규정해 본다.

Moral hazard 또는 Agreement implementation risks 에 대한 감시와 비판기능의 강화는 우리 사회가 빠른 IT 기기들을 기반으로 손쉬운 여론 형성을 통한 투명한 정보화 시대의 순기능중 하나이다.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

쾌락편집원칙(Hedonic Editing Principle)

사람들은 동일한 이익이라도 한 번에 받는 것보다 두 번에 걸쳐 나눠 받을 때 기쁨을 더 크게 느낀다. 또한 사람들은 이익보다 손실에 민감하기 때문에 손실을 나누는 것보다 손실을 합하는 것이 슬픔을 줄여줄 수 있다. 그래서 이익은 나누고 손실은 합하라..

이러한 이유로 같은 결과이지만 다른계산을 하는 것을 심적회계(Mental Accoungting)라 한다. 심적회계는 인지오류의 하나이고 또 많은 사람들이 공통적으로 범하고 있는 실수다.